Roy Kinsey

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We had the pleasure of speaking with Roy Kinsey. Roy works as a librarian over in Chicago’s Austin Neighborhood and shares how identifying as a musician has changed his perspective on life and some of the best places in Austin to grab a bite and relax.


What are 2-3 areas in the neighborhood that you frequent and why?

I spend a lot of time working as a librarian at the public library in Austin; often listening to choir rehearsals on Mondays and Wednesday or the regular monthly open-mics that we hold here. The library’s auditorium has the best acoustics for live music and sounds amazing for people who sing, play instruments, or simply come to speak.

Let me also tell you about The Jerk Shop Restaurant on Chicago. This place is DIVINE! They have a unique and extensive menu of jerk chicken, steak, or shrimp dishes, and make the most incredible Jerk baked potato! It’s an absolute stop that you have to make if you are ever hungry on the west-side.

The swimming pool in the Austin Town-hall is pretty incredible as well. If you ever would like to take a solo swim, this is the perfect place to relax. The pool is newly renovated, yet still holds its charm and personality. Many of the buildings in Austin are old which adds a certain character to the neighborhood and spaces. The detailed architecture makes you understand that you are in a special place that has stood the tests of time.

What piece music or art would you say most reflects you and why?

My latest album Blackie best describes me . It released last year, and took a lifetime to make. At that point in my career, I really got to know myself and cleared a path to call myself an artist. Taking on the responsibility of an artist, meant being honest ,not only in my music, but with myself, about myself, and with the world around me.

I’m so grateful for the way that album has changed my life. I have come to understand the importance of family and community, while understanding my individuality as well. The album is deeply Chicago, American, and honors my grandmother for the many sacrifices made so that I can enjoy the life that I am living. It was a wonderful album to create and I how it asks me to grow with it.